Understanding “this” in JavaScript

In JavaScript, the "this" keyword answers the following question:

Which object does your function belong to when you run it?

If that makes no sense, that's okay! It will make more sense after some quick background info and examples.

First, what is an object?

An object is a set of data stored in name-value pairs (also called key-value pairs).

For example:

				var car = {
					color: 'purple',
					topSpeed: 9001,
					model: 'magic school bus',
					driver: 'Waluigi'

An object can store many things including strings, numbers, arrays, functions, or even other objects.

Next, what is a method?

A method is a function that belongs to an object.

For example:

				var car = {
					color: 'purple',

					makeNoise: function(){

In that example, makeNoise is a method of our car object, and we can call it like so:


So where does "this" come in?

In JavaScript, "this" just means the object our function belongs to. In the following example, "this" will be our car object.

				var car = {
					currentSpeed: 0,

					goFaster: function(){
						this.currentSpeed += 10;

				console.log('speed before: ' + car.currentSpeed);
				console.log('speed after: ' + car.currentSpeed);

If you try the example, you'll see that the goFaster function increases currentSpeed by 10.

What's a useful example of the "this" keyword?

Let's say we want to have some elements turn red and have a red border when clicked on.

The following code is too repetitive:

				<div id="first">first text</div>
				<div id="second">second text</div>

				var firstDiv = document.getElementById('first');
				var secondDiv = document.getElementById('second');

				firstDiv.onclick = function(){
					firstDiv.style.color = 'red';
					firstDiv.style.border = '1px solid red';

				secondDiv.onclick = function(){
					secondDiv.style.color = 'red';
					secondDiv.style.border = '1px solid red';

What a pain!

What if we just want one function that could say, "Hey. See this div? Change this div."

That would be much better than rewriting the function for each div.

Our "this" keyword can help us:

				<div id="first">first text</div>
				<div id="second">second text</div>

				var firstDiv = document.getElementById('first');
				var secondDiv = document.getElementById('second');

				function turnRed(){
					this.style.color = 'red';
					this.style.border = '1px solid red';

				firstDiv.onclick = turnRed;
				secondDiv.onclick = turnRed;

See how much neater that is?

But wait... I thought "this" was supposed to refer to the object our function belongs to. Our turnRed function doesn't seem to belong to any objects, right?

Here's the key point:

The "this" keyword is only set when you run the function, not when you first declare the function.

So in the above example, our onclick methods are set to turnRed. The onclick methods belong to their divs, so in each case, "this" means "this div".

What happens if you call turnRed() by itself?

If a function doesn't belong to another object when it's called, then it belongs to the window object by default.

That means "this" will refer to the window, and an error will happen because you can't put CSS styles directly on the window.

Quick recap so far

  • In JavaScript "this" is which object our function belongs to when it gets called.
  • The "this" keyword is set when you run a function, not when you first declare it.
  • Unless otherwise specified, "this" gets set to "window" by default.

How can I see what "this" is?

If you ever get stuck, you can always check what "this" is by logging it to the console.

Conveniently, console.log() doesn't interfere with the value of "this" so you won't have to worry that console.log(this); would say "console".

When in doubt, log it out.

Can "this" change?


Sometimes, "this" is inconvenient. Maybe you want it to refer to one thing, but it refers to something else.

Bind, call, apply, and ES6 arrow functions let you decide what you want "this" to be.

For now, you have enough to remember, but I've linked to those concepts in case you want to know more.

Key takeaways

  • In JavaScript, "this" is whatever object your function belongs to when you run it.
  • Don't overthink it.
  • If you ever get stuck, log it to the console.

I hope this article has been helpful!